Class DescriptionsMeditation with Arielle:
Seated quiet meditation, incorporating various yogic techniques, including pranayama (breath-work), mudra, mantra, and visualization. RECOMMENDED PROPS: Meditation pillow or comfortable chair. Mindful Monday Flow with Darby: How we start our week is so important. This easier flow class focuses on breath work, intention setting, and gentle movement to lift the spirit and focus the mind. This is an all-levels class so everyone is welcome! RECOMMENDED PROPS: 2 blocks, a strap, and a blanket. Slow Flow with Arielle: All levels flow class. We'll link breath, movement, and intention as we explore standing, seated, and supine poses. Beginners and experienced practitioners welcome. RECOMMENDED PROPS: 2 blocks, a strap, and a blanket. Stretch with Darby: An all-level class focused on longer-held stretches combined with deep breathing. A softly active class to release the tensions we hold in our body. RECOMMENDED PROPS: 2 blocks, a strap, and a blanket. Flow with Arielle: A mixed-level vinyasa flow class linking breath, movement, and intention. We'll explore warrior poses, hip openers, back bends, and balance poses as they relate to the yogic philosophies of compassion and self-care. A basic knowledge of yoga poses is helpful but not mandatory. This class is taught with modifications to embrace practitioners of all levels. RECOMMENDED PROPS: 2 blocks, a strap, and a blanket. Flow with Darby: A mixed-level vinyasa flow class linking breath, movement, and intention. We'll explore warrior poses, hip openers, back bends, and balance poses as they relate to the yogic philosophies of compassion and self-care. A basic knowledge of yoga poses is helpful but not mandatory. This class is taught with modifications to embrace practitioners of all levels. RECOMMENDED PROPS: 2 blocks, a strap, and a blanket. Wall Wednesday with Arielle: An all-levels class using the wall as our primary prop to build core strength, flexibility, and balance. We'll explore standing poses, inversions, and seated stretches as we practice the yogic philosophies of compassion and self-care. Note: This class is taught with modifications to embrace practitioners of all levels, however a moderate fitness level is recommended. RECOMMENDED PROPS: Unobstructed wall, 2 blocks, a strap, and a blanket. Core on the Floor with Arielle: An all-levels class focused on a strong core and healthy back. We'll build a strong core and stretch out those tight muscles with floor-based stretches and dynamic exercises, including ab-exercises, forward folds, backbends, and twists. Throughout, we will practice the yogic philosophies of compassion and self-care. Note: A moderate fitness level is recommended. RECOMMENDED PROPS: 2 blocks, a strap, and a blanket. |