+ New Year New VIsion - TOLUCA LAKE, CA + Virtual
Saturday, Jan. 13 , 2024
2:15pm - 5:30pm Bloom Loft, Toluca Lake, CA and Virtual, via Zoom This 3-hour workshop journey through asana, pranayama, meditation, music, and guided journaling will reconnect you with your soul's calling and clarify your vision for this still unfolding new year. Grounded in the holistic yoga practices of Patajali's 8 limbs, you will bring underlying values that inspire you to the forefront as you move body, breath, and thoughts through a holistic practice, and chart a path to navigate through the foreseen and unforeseen celebrations and challenges of 2024. Light plant-based snacks and tea will be provided. |
+ NEW Vision & Kriya Yoga workshop - SALINA, KS
Sunday, Feb. 18, 2024
10:00am - 2:30pm A Work In Progress, Salina, KS This 4-hour workshop journey through asana, pranayama, meditation, music, and guided journaling will reconnect you with your soul's calling and clarify your vision for this still unfolding new year. Grounded in the holistic yoga practices of Patajali's 8 limbs, you will bring underlying values that inspire you to the forefront as you move body, breath, and thoughts through a holistic practice, and chart a path to navigate through the foreseen and unforeseen celebrations and challenges of 2024. Lay out your mat, and bring your props, open heart, and a journal. A plant-based midday meal will be provided. |